
Monday 24 March 2014

14,000 things to be happy about.

Recently I've been reading a lot of inspirational books on positive thinking and confidence tips and the power of the mind as I've been trying to become a more happier person as I think that in turn it'll help me become more productive and, well who doesn't desire to be happy right?

I think there are so many things that I could share with you but I honestly wouldn't know where to start! I guess if I was talk about my on going 'journey' as such, I've realised that I've come far in keeping my opinions to myself when I'm angry about something or frustrated and I feel the need to comment back to someone, instead I take 10 and then just ignore it and literally let it pass me, even if I think the other person is wrong. I don't post anything negative, sarcastic or angry on my social medias (at least I don't think so!) and when i'm down, I try my hardest not to post about it and instead talk to friends instead who I know who truly listen to me and care.

Things that have set me back though are being around negative vibes and a lot of time you really can't help yourself being in that situation. What's difficult is when someone else passes their negativity directly onto you as in turn it leaves you feeling down and angry. This may be at the workplace when its stressful or even at home with family members. I've realised that in these situations its easiest to just sit/stand and not reply and just keep silent and keep your calm.

As well, it's always good to remember the little things in life that make you happy. When I'm having 'one of those days' per se, I flick to a random page of this book and have a read. Often I find myself smiling at the things written that I never before realised made me happy and they bring back good old memories for me for instance 'watching the rain fall' and 'stretching out on the carpet with games and puzzles'. This book really makes me appreciate the little things in life and they really are so important, they're the things that keep you going everyday.

Hope you're all having a wonderful day and that this post can inspire you stay positive.

Sunday 23 March 2014

Oh yes its Ladies Night

Last evening, on a Saturday night, myself and my family attended an annual event at the Lodge called Ladies Evening. For anyone of you who are clueless as to what a Lodge is, my best possible explanation is that its a place where older men gather once every night and do certain traditional

Monday 10 March 2014

Dropping the Waist

Jacket: Topshop
Jumper: Topshop
Skirt: H&M
Boots: Office
Necklace: Topshop
Bag: Warehouse
Sunglasses: French Connection
I can't quite believe what difference this bright and breezy, sunny weather has had on my mood, I feel totally lifted! (Pathetic fallacy or what huh?) I've been waking up earlier feeling energised, refreshed

Tuesday 4 March 2014

A Spring in my Step

Shirt: Topshop
Pants: Topshop
                                                                     Watch: Michael Kors
Boots: Office
I can hardly believe this glorious weather! Recently I've been loving taking long strolls with my dog around the town, gazing out at the view of the countryside with real admiration for the beauty of the
orld and the last peaks of light at sunset. It feels like Spring is making its first signs of appearance and I'm soaking up the sunlight strangely feeling a lot more relaxed and content with life, no matter what struggles that might be going on in everyday life.

I rushed outside to shoot this outfit when my little photographer (a.k.a my younger sister) arrived home from school to catch the last of the daylight and I'm pretty happy with how they turned out!

I love this sheer shirt from Topshop, as well as sheer fabrics being a big s/s14 trend, the sleeves are really something quite unique as they make a cape/bat effect when you lift your arms which I hope I've captured well! here These pants are also from Topshop and they're extremely comfortable whilst being a lot more thicker than a legging.

I can't not mention the colour I have on my lips either! I recently had a browse at the Revlon Matte lip crayons and this colour, Audacious, immediately caught my attention and isn't it divine?! There is something so playful about a orange lip colour whilst still looking so chic.

What are your thoughts? Are you excited for spring?!