
Tuesday 27 January 2015

Admitting my Magazine Obsession

I was strolling through my twitter feed one morning and stumbled upon a link to a post from the Cosmopolitan website that was '23 things you'll only understand if you studied fashion at university' and if you are currently studying a fashion subject, you'll really be tickled at some of the
light hearted statements made, as well as painfully having to admit that 85% of them are true. The one that struck with me was number 11. A terrifying proportion of your student loans will go on high-end magazines. Like, yes! Can anyone relate with me on this one!?

Despite my conscious effort to only buy 1 or 2 fashion magazines a month, I do believe that reading widely of any sort of material is integral to your studies and enhancing your knowledge. As well the fact that I genuinely love reading fashion magazines, even much so that I much prefer the editorials and written articles/interviews in the bi-annual magazines compared to Vogue/Elle - in fact I can't remember the last time I picked up Vogue! *gasp*. Personally the content is just so much more appealing and exciting as well as being far more inspirational.

For me, despite online magazines and content now being so massively influential and popular, print will always be something more special. Whether it's because of our western societies need to possess items and feel them in the flesh OR print's ability to allow you to escape in a dream world for those few minutes that you sit down comfortably in bed, on the couch, in a cafĂ© with your favourite blend of coffee and allow yourself to have those few minutes alone to immerse yourself in a world that gives you the capacity to fantasise about your wildest dreams - print lives on. Personally it saddens me that some magazines such as i-D are now posting their written articles from their magazine online, especially when you're paying 'x' amount of money for the magazine, you almost feel cheated when they post it online too. What are your thoughts on this?

I think my favourite at the moment has to be the newly found Sicky magazine as it just has the perfect balance of written words and editorial pictures. It's also really interesting to see how The Gentlewoman has shaped the layout of many new magazines and I definitely see these influences in Sicky. Below I thought I'd share with you my recent magazine purchases, many of which personally are new gems I've found. Plus, aren't they so pretty to photograph!?



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